
My first blog post...

Hello, this is my first effort to join the blog world. Thanks to my assistant, Larry, who has pushed me to make the big jump.

Yesterday I gave a brief talk to a group of high school students
about my work. I was able to show them a few prints and it was
great fun. I do not do this very often but it was great to see the
excitement and enthusiasm for photography.

My advice was shoot pictures all the time-have that camera ready!


Anonymous said...

Congrats, Jesse, you're a blogger now!

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Alexander,

I'm a big fan of your work, and since the time I've discovered "Driven" I try very hard to get your automotive photography books. So recently I purchased "At Speed" and I have nothing other to say than: tremendous!

Thanks for charing your experience here!

naomi parry said...

nice work. I like the birds.